A career in the Dutch-German Borderland
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I hereby register for one or more of the following activities in the activity series 'A career in the Dutch-German Borderland'.
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Student number:
I would like to join one or more of the following activities (you can sign up any time later for an activity taking place at a later date):
14 till 17-10-2024 - Get euregional employed during the international week at Fontys
14-10-24, workshop In dialogue about learning and innovation in cross-border organisations, room W1-0.52, 15:30-17.00h
15-10-24, workshop Cross-cultural collaboration among students, room W3-1.60, 15-17h
16-10-24, workshop Applying for a job across the border, room W3-1.55, 15-17h
17-10-24, workshop Cross-cultural learning in hybrid learning environments, room W1-0.51, 15-17h
31-10-2024 - Dive into regional business with VR, room W1-0.46, 12-14h
12-11-2024 - Receive the latest tips and tricks for cross-border commuters, room W1-0.04, 9-12h
12-02-2025 - Applying for a job in the Netherlands/Germany, how does it work? Fontys venlo (room will follow), 10-11.30h
01-04-2025 - Cross-border networking in real life, location will follow, 17.30-21.30h
16-04-2025 - Attend the award ceremony for the most attractive employer in Limburg, Supply Chain Valley (Sevenum), 15.30-19h
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